Bangkalan, ( – Nasib na’as dialami DS (32 th) asal warga Dusun Parseh Utara, Desa Parseh, Kecamatan Socah, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura, karena telah mendapatkan hadiah timah panas dari kepolisian setempat.
Pasalnya, DS mencoba melawan petugas kepolisian saat ditangkap di lapangan bulu tangkis kantor Kecamatan Tandes, Surabaya. DS adalah salah satu Daftar Pencarian Orang (DPO) Polres Bangkalan, atas kasus tindak pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan (begal).
Dalam pers releasenya, Kapolres Bangkalan AKBP Bobby Pa’ludin Tambunan mengungkapkan, sebelumnya petugas kepolisian mendapatkan informasi dari masyarakat, bahwa tersangka DS berada di rumah saudaranya di Surabaya.
Baca juga Melawan, DPO Kasus Pembunuhan di Sumenep Tewas di Tembak Polisi
“Setelah kami mendapatkan informasi itu, penyidik langsung melakukan pengembangan ke TKP (Tempat Kejadian Perkara, red) dan ternyata benar, tersangka ada di Tandes Surabaya, tapi terpaksa dilumpuhkan dengan timah panas karena tersangka berusaha melawan petugas saat ditangkap,” jelasnya di Mapolres setempat, Jumat, (14/09/2018)
Lebih lanjut Boby mengatakan, saat di introgasi tersangka mengaku melakukan Penipuan, Penggelapan, dan 7 kali aksi pembegalan. Tersangka juga mengaku melakukan aksi tersebut bersama temannya atas nama Sipul dan Risal. Saat ini keduanya juga ditetapkan sebagai DPO.
Baca juga Dua Tahun Menghilang, DPO Asal Pamekasan Ini Akhirnya Ketangkap Polisi
“Atas perbuatanya tersangka DS di jerat pasal 363 ayat (1) ke 4 dan ke 5 KUHP dengan ancaman 7 tahun penjara. Dihimbau kepada masyarakat agar lebih waspada akan terjadinya sesuatu hal yang tidak diinginkan atau maraknya aksi pembegalan,” tegasnya. (sbd/sfn)
Digital Avatar solution for any industry In 2006, the Nevada Gaming Commission began working with Las Vegas casinos on technology that would allow the casino’s management to change the game, the odds, and the payouts remotely. The change cannot be done instantaneously, but only after the selected machine has been idle for at least four minutes. After the change is made, the machine must be locked to new players for four minutes and display an on-screen message informing potential players that a change is being made. To address these social issues, a new regulation (Version 5.0) was adopted in 2006 which caps the maximum amount of “stock” a machine can hold to around 2,000–3,000 coins’ worth of bonus games. Moreover, all pachisuro machines must be re-evaluated for regulation compliance every three years. Version 4.0 came out in 2004, so that means all those machines with the up to 10,000 coin payouts will be removed from service by 2007.
Select from available locations Slot machines include one or more currency detectors that validate the form of payment, whether coin, banknote, voucher, or token. The machine pays out according to the pattern of symbols displayed when the reels stop “spinning”. Slot machines are the most popular gambling method in casinos and constitute about 70% of the average U.S. casino’s income. No changes to show. So how do slot machines decide who wins and who loses? “Payouts on slots are statistically calculated,” says Ambrose. Pressing spin activates the random number generator, which is an algorithm that determines whether each spin is a win or a loss, and how big a win is. Each game, Ambrose says, has a set hold percentage and a pay table that details how often and how much games will pay back.