
Polda Gorontalo Gelar Apel Pasukan Operasi Ketupat Otanaha 2019

Pose bersama Kapolda Gorontalo (Brigjen Pol Rachmad Fudail) dengan Forkopimda Gorontalo usai gelar apel pasukan Operasi Ketupat Otanaha 2019.

Gorontalo, (regamedianews.com) – Menjelang hari raya idul fitri 1440 Hijriyah, tepat pada Selasa (28/05/2019) Polda Gorontalo gelar apel pasukan dengan tema “Melalui Apel Gelar Pasukan Operasi Ketupat Otanaha-2019 Kita Tingkatkan Sinergitas Polri Dengan Instansi Terkait Dalam Rangka Memberikan Rasa Aman Dan Nyaman Pada Perayaan Idul Fitri 1440 Hijriah”.

Selain Kapolda dan Danrem yang memimpin apel secara bersama, turut hadir pula Wakapolda Gorontalo, Kepala BIN Daerah Gorontalo Drs. Daeng Rosada, Gubernur Gorontalo yang di wakili Asisten I Drs. Syukri J Botutihe, M.Si, Walikota Gorontalo H. Marten Taha, SE., M.Ec.Dev. , Bupati Gorontalo yang di wakili Asisten III Drs. Hen Restu, MM..

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Hadir pula Kajari Kabupaten Gorontalo Dr. Supriyanto, SH, MH, Kapolres Gorontalo AKBP Dafcoriza, SIK, M.Sc, Komandan Brigif 22 Otamanasa Kolonel Inf. Veriyanto Napitupulu Menteri, Kadis Perhubungan Provinsi Dr. Jamal Nganro, ST, M.Si., Kabandara Power A.S Sihaloho, S.Sos, Kepala Basarnas, Kepala Jasa Raharja dan Para Pejabat TNI serta Pejabat Utama Polda Gorontalo.

Dalam sambutannya Kapolda Gorontalo Brigjend Pol. Rachmad Fudail, MH saat membacakan amanat dari Kapolri Prof. H. Jendral Muhammad Tito Karvian mengatakan, berbagai gangguan terhadap kamtibmas berupa aksi serangan teror baik kepada masyarakat maupun kepada personel Polri, dan berbagai gejala yang meresahkan masyarakat seperti pencurian, perampokan.

“Selain itu, juga seperti penjambretan, begal dan premainisme serta aksi kekerasan seperti aksi sweeping oleh ormas serta Gangguan terhadap kelancaran transportasi darat, laut dan udara dan permasalahan terkait stabilitas harga dan ketersediaan bahan pokok dan bencana alam tetap menjadi potensi kerawanan yang harus di antisipasi secara optimal dalam operasi Ketupat tahun 2019 ini”, ungkap Kapolda.

Operasi Ketupat Tahun 2019 akan di laksanakan di 34 Polda dengan 11 Polda prioritas yaitu Polda Metro Jaya, Polda Jawa Barat, Polda Jawa Tengah, Polda DIY, Polda Jawa Timur, Polda Banten, Polda Lampung, Polda Sumatra Selatan, Polda Sulawesi Selatan, Polda Bali dan Polda Papua.

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“Operasi akan melibatkan 160.335 personel gabungan terdiri dari 93.589 personel Polri dan 13.131 personel TNI, 18.906 personel Kementrian dan Dinas terkait, 11.720 Personel Satpol PP, 6930 Personel Pramuka dan 16.076 Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Kepemudaan. Dan juga akan di gelar 2.458 Pos Pengamanan, 754 Pos Pelayanan, 174 Pos Terpadu dan 12 Lokasi Check Point Sepeda Motor”, terang Rachmad Fudail.

Ia juga menjelaskan, pada pusat aktifitas masyarakat lokasi rawan gangguan kamtibmas, obyek pengamanan dalam operasi pekat tahun 2019 antara lain berupa 898 terminal, 379 stasiun kereta api, 592 pelabuhan dan 212 bandara, 3.097 pusat perbelanjaan, 77.000 mesjid dan 3.530 obyek wisata.

“Operasi Ketupat kali ini akan di gelar selama 12 hari, di mulai dari Hari Rabu Tanggal 29 Mey sampai dengan Hari Senin Tanggal 10 Juni 2019,” tutup Kapolda. (onal)

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  1. Share via EmailWild Card Weekend lines as playoff matchups are setThe Eagles earned their week off, and so did the Kansas City Chiefs, but the 12 other playoff teams get their postseasons started next weekend during the NFL’s Wild Card Weekend. The NFL Matchups Records section provides the Wins and Losses for each team, showing the Overall Record and the Away or Home Record for each particular matchup. Every NFL team will play 17 regular season games and the Streak feature tells you how hot or cold a team is, measured by Wins (W) and Losses (L).If a team wins three straight games, for example, the Streak would read W-3. And if a team is slumping, losers in six straight, then you’ll see a L-6 in their streak column. The 49ers have won the N.F.C. West. A win and a Giants win against the Eagles on Sunday would give them the No. 1 seed and a first-round bye. Otherwise, they’ll be the No. 2 or No. 3 seed and will open the playoffs against either the Giants, Seahawks or the winner of the Lions-Packers game.
    And the Paris St-Germain forward will not get the opportunity to surpass the legend at this tournament, as Brazil suffered woe against a European nation once again. Since beating Germany in the 2002 final, they have been knocked out of five successive World Cups by a team from Europe. Brazil, the No. 8-ranked team, will be the favorite against unranked Panama. But Brazil faces some challenges in winning its first World Cup (best result: runner-up to Germany in 2007). Marta, the team’s 37-year-old star, is playing in her last World Cup and may start on the bench as she’s recovering from a knee injury. And the team resides in Group F with France, another powerhouse. Australia’s home World Cup campaign got underway with a 1-0 win against the Republic of Ireland. Qualifying for the FIFA World Cup finals tournament is a significant accomplishment in and of itself thanks to the sheer size of the competition. The initial field for the 2022 FIFA World Cup included 211 teams—one for each member country—which will be narrowed down to 32 over three years’ worth of qualifying matches (which started in June 2019) by the time the final tournament begins. The 2022 tournament, however, will be the last one to include 32 finalists, as FIFA has announced the finals will expand to include 48 teams in time for the 2026 tournament.

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